1. How did Hamas become the destroyer of Israel and Why did Netanyahu make the mistake of financially helping Hamas in the past?


How did Hamas become the destroyer of Israel
How did Hamas become the destroyer of Israel

How did Hamas become the destroyer of Israel

YUG News – How did Hamas become the destroyer of Israel, Israel could never have imagined that the person it had raised would cause it the most suffering now. Yes, Israel is under siege from the terrorist group Hamas in Palestine because Benjamin Netanyahu’s administration formerly gave Hamas financial support, which increased its influence.

Israel has pledged to destroy Hamas, but in actuality, Israeli administrations under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s leadership intentionally sponsored the organization and assisted it in gaining the authority it currently possesses. However, we shall attempt to comprehend Israel’s motivations and how Hamas became the fire for them.

Although Israel has pledged to destroy Hamas, there was a period when it was responsible for Hamas’s rise to prominence. Israel did not intentionally cause this, but rather an error in its calculations led to Hamas’s rise to power. Experts claim that the only goal of Benjamin Netanyahu’s administration was to obstruct the establishment of a Palestinian state, and that goal is now becoming a problem for it. In an attempt to prevent the Gazans from moving into Palestine, Israel provided them with money and work licenses in an attempt to purchase peace.

How did Hamas become the destroyer of Israel

In a public speech on October 20, Prince Turki al-Faisal, the former head of Saudi Arabia’s intelligence services, raised the question of the Israeli government providing “Qatari money” to Hamas. Al-Faisal made these remarks during the October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas, which resulted in the death of over a thousand Israelis and the kidnapping of over 200 more. Many were taken aback by Al-Faisal’s comments because they were unable to reconcile the contradicting claim that Israel would be funding Hamas. That being said, Israel has undoubtedly contributed to the growth of Hamas, even if it may not have been directly responsible for its dangers.

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2. For many years ( How did Hamas become the destroyer of Israel)

For many years, it has been evident that the Netanyahu administration is attempting to thwart the establishment of an autonomous Palestinian state. For this reason, there is no chance of a two-state resolution to the Israel-Palestine problem if Israeli settlements are built in the West Bank. Furthermore, the Israeli government had allowed Gazans to migrate to Israel in significant numbers in order to work and make money; as a result, there’s a chance that Hamas used this money to strengthen its position. With the exception of this, Muhammad Abbas’s Palestinian Authority fully governs the West Bank. Hamas has been in charge of Gaza, the second Palestinian territory, since the 2006 elections. A.H.

Simultaneously, Gaza is the second Palestinian area that Hamas has controlled since the elections in 2006. In that election, the Palestinian Authority was beaten by Hamas. Netanyahu supports the Palestinian Authority. For this reason, he has frequently emphasized its necessity and stated that Israel needs the Palestinian Authority and shouldn’t let it fall apart.

Israel could never have imagined that the person it had raised would cause it the most suffering now. Yes, Israel is under siege from the terrorist group Hamas in Palestine because Benjamin Netanyahu’s administration formerly gave Hamas financial support, which increased its influence. Israel has pledged to destroy Hamas, but in actuality, Israeli administrations under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s leadership intentionally sponsored the organization and assisted it in gaining the authority it currently possesses. However, we shall attempt to comprehend Israel’s motivations and how Hamas became the fire for them.


How did Hamas become the destroyer of Israel

Although Israel has pledged to destroy Hamas, there was a period when it was responsible for Hamas’s rise to prominence. Israel did not intentionally cause this, but rather an error in its calculations led to Hamas’s rise to power. Experts claim that the only goal of Benjamin Netanyahu’s administration was to obstruct the establishment of a Palestinian state, and that goal is now becoming a problem for it. In an attempt to prevent the Gazans from moving into Palestine, Israel provided them with money and work licenses in an attempt to purchase peace.

In a public speech on October 20, Prince Turki al-Faisal, the former head of Saudi Arabia’s intelligence services, raised the question of the Israeli government providing “Qatari money” to Hamas. Al-Faisal made these remarks during the October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas, which resulted in the death of over a thousand Israelis and the kidnapping of over 200 more. Many were taken aback by Al-Faisal’s comments because they were unable to reconcile the contradicting claim that Israel would be funding Hamas. That being said, Israel has undoubtedly contributed to the growth of Hamas, even if it may not have been directly responsible for its dangers.

How did Hamas become the destroyer of Israel

3. Has Netanyahu erred in his handling of Gaza and the West Bank?

In actuality, Benjamin Netanyahu has spent years attempting to keep this equilibrium. His position has been to maintain the power center’s division between Gaza and the West Bank. He is not interested in seeing the Palestinian Authority disintegrate or become stronger. Above all, he wished to keep on lending Hamas assistance. The goal, according to Israeli writer Tal Schneider of The Times, is to stop Abbas and other members of the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank administration from taking steps toward the creation of a Palestinian state.

For this reason, in the midst of this attempt to destabilize Abbas, Hamas was elevated from being only a terrorist organization to one with whom Israel engaged in indirect negotiations through For this reason, in the midst of this attempt to destabilize Abbas, Hamas was elevated from being only a terrorist organization to one with whom Israel engaged in indirect negotiations through Egypt and which was permitted to accept foreign funding. was supplied.

The issue now is, how did Israel assist Hamas in obtaining millions of dollars? The response is that although Hamas receives funds from a variety of sources, Qatar is the primary one. Qatar gives Hamas the highest amount of money.

With its gas wealth, Qatar has been giving millions of dollars in help to Gaza and its inhabitants since 2014. At one point, according to a Reuters story from October 2023, Qatar was spending $30 million a month to run the lone electricity plant in Gaza and provide aid to underprivileged families and Hamas government leaders. The funds from Qatar are now channeled through Israel rather than the Palestinian Authority, as they were previously.

Israel Hamas
Israel Hamas

How did Hamas become the destroyer of Israel

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4. How did Israel fund Hamas using Qatar as a conduit?

Qatar uses technological means to send money to Israel. The money is transported across the border into Gaza by Israeli and United Nations (UN) representatives in bags. According to a government official in Qatar, Israel, the UN, and the US are all actively involved in Qatar’s humanitarian efforts to the Gaza Strip, as reported by Reuters. In Gaza, low-income households get money and sign a form, a copy of which is sent to the UN, Israel, and Qatar. Apart from the financial aid given by Israel, Hamas also receives help from donors and allies through a worldwide financial network. Gaza uses cryptocurrencies or tunnels to transfer money over international sanctions. Furthermore, Iran, Israel’s worst adversary, gives Hamas cash and armaments.

5. Israel continued funding Hamas!(How did Hamas become the destroyer of Israel)

Prime Minister Netanyahu reportedly stated in 2019—as reported by the Jerusalem Post—that anyone opposed to a Palestinian state need to send money to Gaza as upholding the division between Hamas in Gaza and the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank would be detrimental to the Palestinian state. facilitates preventing establishment. He maintained that Israel should serve as a conduit to make sure money would not end up in the hands of terrorists.

Furthermore, Israel felt that by providing money to Gaza, it would be cut off from the Palestinian Authority and that the funds would benefit the people rather than be used for terrorist attacks on them. Offering work permits was Israel’s second effort to assist Gazans.These laborers grew to 20,000 in 2023 after being granted permission to work in Israel; prior to that, there were only 3,000 of them.


6. Has Hamas taken the focus away from Israel?

The Palestinians of Gaza were able to make more money than those of Israel because of this. Reporter Tal Schneider claims that during talks regarding Israel granting more work permits to Gazans, which made it possible for money to enter Gaza, Hamas was also discussed. Netanyahu erred greatly in his knowledge of Hamas, and Hamas used peace as a pretext for siding with Israel.

Hamas succeeded in calming Israel in some way.2017 saw Hamas deploy diversionary strategies and a softer posture toward Israel. In 2017, Khaled Meshaal, the head of Hamas, published a strategy declaration in which he for the first time stated that he would be happy to recognize Israel as the Jewish state while also accepting a Palestinian state. Furthermore, it stated that Hamas’s fight was against “Zionist attackers” rather than Jews.

7. How Israel was treated to dust by Hamas ?

According Israeli journalist Tal Schneider, administrations under Netanyahu have essentially ignored balloon and missile launches from Gaza since 2014. Hamas kept up their terrorist training program. Israeli intelligence was persuaded to think that Gazans’ lives were supported by economic incentives, and that Hamas was unprepared for any kind of attack. While hiding from Israel, Hamas constructed and excavated a vast network of tunnels to conceal and smuggle weapons, and Israel persisted in fortifying Gaza with money from Qatar.

1. Read more about How did Hamas become the destroyer of Israel
2. Read more about SHOCKING REVELATION: President Biden Condemns Hamas for ‘Kill Jews’ Goal, Vows Unwavering Support for Israel!
3. Read more about Israel Hamas War / Netanyahu Declares All-Out War! Israel’s Battle Cry Against Hamas


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